Tuesday 24 March 2009

Thyme Breath Spray for Sweet Smelling Breath

Thyme Breath Spray

For those keen to have fresh breath, James Wong (BBC 2 - Grow Your Own Drugs: Easy Recipes for Natural Remedies and Beauty Treats ) shows how to make a spray using thyme.

The recipe is listed below:

10 tbsp (approx. 25 g) fresh thyme leaves
10 tbsp (approx. 30 g) fresh mint leaves
5 fresh eucalyptus leaves
3 tsp aniseed
3 tsp cloves
200 ml vodka
Rind of 1 lemon
1 tbsp artificial sweetener to taste, if desired
4 tbsp glycerine

1. Strip the thyme, mint and eucalypytus leaves from their stems and chop. Place in a blender and whiz. Add the aniseed and cloves to the blender and whiz again.

2. Place in a dark bottle with the vodka, lemon and artificial sweetener (if using) and leave for 10 days to 1 month to macerate.

3. Strain through muslin. Add the glycerine, then stir and pour into a 50 ml spray bottle (with a yield of up to 1 ml per spray).

USE: Spray 1 millilitre into the mouth when needed

This contains alcohol, so be careful not to overuse, especially if driving.

Keep for up to 1 year.

Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.

Thyme Breath Spray

Source: BBC 2 ( Grow Your Own Drugs: Easy Recipes for Natural Remedies and Beauty Treats ) - http://www.bbc.co.uk/tv/features/growyourowndrugs/episode4.shtml

Copyright 2009

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