Sunday 23 March 2008

Are You Doing the Basics ?

Every single day at The California Breath Clinics, they receive hundreds of emails from people who want help and relief from bad breath, dry mouth, or lousy tastes. These emails usually range in assortment from 'Where do I start?', to 'How does this Work?' to 'HELP ME!'

But some of the most distressing emails they read are those that start out like this: 'I bought your power drops, and tried them today but I still have bad breath'; 'I'm brushing with Colgate and rinsing with Listerine - why do I still have bad breath?'

Let me put it another way.....

When you go to work in the morning, every once in a while you might spend some extra time and invest in a nice hat, maybe a tie, or a nice new pair of shoes. But if you forget to put on a blouse/shirt and pants, you'd look pretty funny, and that nice new pair of shoes or hat wouldn't do much good!

We can't stress it enough - you've GOT to be doing the basics!

In my world, the basics are using TheraBreath toothgel, Oral Rinse, a tongue scraper at least twice daily or using the naturally occurring products such as those mentioned in the Bad Breath Report. If you have bad breath, it's NOT enough to use regular commercial toothpaste and mouthwash, because these products actually dry out your mouth. You MUST be using an oxygenating toothpaste and a mouthwash that does not contain alcohol (to prevent dry mouth).

Once you're doing the basics, only then will you find relief by using a breath spray or power drops. Those items are SUPPLEMENTS, not replacements.

So before you ask your dentist, what you're doing wrong, PLEASE make sure you are doing the basics below.

So before you ask me what you're doing wrong, PLEASE make sure you are doing the basics below.

1) Scrape your tongue gently with a dry tongue scraper to remove the mucous layer.

2) Put some TheraBreath toothgel on the tongue scraper and apply it evenly to the back of your tongue.

3) Let the toothgel sit on your tongue while you are brushing your teeth. Brush thoroughly for 60 seconds.

4) When you are done brushing, spit out, but DO NOT rinse with water. Rinse with 1-2 capfuls of TheraBreath Oral Rinse for 60 seconds.

When you order 'The Basics' you can receive a free TheraBreath powerdrops and free UPS Ground Shipping!

Click Here for Details

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