Saturday 31 May 2008

Finally, A Breath Mint That Does What Its Supposed To!

Finally, A Breath Mint That Does What Its Supposed To!

1) Actually Removes Bad Breath and Taste
2) Stops Production of Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC's)
3) Stimulates Oxygen-Rich Saliva Flow

Since Dr Katz started the California Breath Clinics in 1994, he has never recommended or endorsed any kind of breath mint. Simply put, there was nothing that he ever found that was truly a breath freshener.

All the "breath candies" that you're used to seeing in the stores (Altoids, Tic-Tacs, Certs, Ice Breakers, etc...) all commit some kind of fatal mistake in the documented science of creating fresh breath. You see, by now the academic halitosis community knows the causes of bad breath.... and we also know the exact conditions that create an oral environment in your mouth that is MORE LIKELY to produce bad breath.

So wouldn't you think that a 'breath mint' should contain ingredients that make this oral environment less likely to happen? At the very least, there shouldn't be anything in there would make that oral environment WORSE, right?

You can probably see what he his getting at.... the top breath fresheners on the market ALL contain either sugar (which the bad breath bacteria absolutely feast on), or they contain an artificial flavor designed to cover-up rather than prevent bad breath and taste.

And NONE OF THEM Contain Any Clinically Proven, Breath-Refreshing Ingredients!

Dr Katz's New ZOX Breath Fresheners are the first breath mint designed to remove bad breath instead of mask it!

Now first let's get one thing straight .... if you have chronic halitosis, then DON'T expect a breath mint to make the problem go away (although they are an excellent maintenance device if you are already using the TheraBreath system in the morning and night). His last 10 years have been spent helping people who mostly have had chronic halitosis problems - the type of condition that every time you talk with a person you detect an odor from their breath.

Finish Reading This Article Online

Download Dr. Harold Katz free Bad Breath Bible.

Also find out how you can cure your Bad Breath naturally, by reading this detailed review carried out on the Bad Breath Report.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

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