Friday, 19 February 2010

How do you tell someone they have halitosis?

Every day we all wake up and brush our teeth and tongue to make sure we do not have the bad breath syndrome. However, there are some who suffer from bad breath because they do not brush or still symptomise even if they do.

We all know people who suffer from situational or chronic halitosis. Nobody wants to have bad breath, but people who do usually don't know it because of a phenomenon called acclimation. In essence, the body gets used to the smell of its own breath so it can still smell other things. Sometimes it may be a close friend or relative, or even a complete stranger. The truth of the matter is, it's not only embarrassing for that person to keep going around with bad breath, it is simply socially uncomfortable.

Asking someone if they have eaten garlic can be a hint that their breath is not the best.

Here's what you can do:

Tell one of their close friends or relatives. Most of the time people are not as offended when someone close tells them about their bad breath. If you feel as though you are close enough to that person, then you could possibly be the one to break the bad news. Obviously, anytime someone is told that they have bad breath, it is not always a pleasant time nor will that person always respond positively, but at least they know and they can do something about it.

Just go up to them or near them and say "wow, something smells like garlic, is it you?" Moreover, hopefully they will get the hint that their breath is not the best. Or you can simply offer that person a breath mint after a meal is an easy and relatively inoffensive way to get the message across. By saying that and doing that, you are not directly saying your breath is horrible, but at the same time, you are sending a message

The best way to sympathise with a person who has bad breath is to understand the possible reasons why. One of the main reasons is poor hygiene, such as not brushing and flossing enough or correctly, which leaves food to decay in that person's teeth.

Similarly, bad breath can be caused by respiratory tract infections, such as throat, lung, and sinus infections. Once again, these are possible causes that cannot always be prevented, so it is important to be respectful and understanding of the situation at hand.

Source - Jamaican Observer

Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.

Copyright 2010

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