Tuesday 30 July 2024

How to Use Myrrh for Bad Breath

 Bad Breath, or Halitosis, can be an embarrassing condition that affects many people.

While it is commonly addressed with conventional methods like mouthwashes, gums, and mints, natural remedies have gained popularity for their effectiveness and minimal side effects.

One such natural remedy is 'myrrh', a resin derived from the Commiphora tree, traditionally used in various cultures for its medicinal properties.

This article delves into the benefits of myrrh for oral health, particularly in combating bad breath, and provides practical ways to incorporate it into your daily oral hygiene routine.

Historical Background of Myrrh

Myrrh has a rich history dating back thousands of years. It was highly valued in ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman cultures, primarily for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

It was used in embalming, as incense in religious ceremonies, and for treating wounds.

In traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, myrrh was used to treat a variety of ailments, including oral health issues.

The word "myrrh" comes from the Arabic word "murr," which means bitter, reflecting its taste.

Myrrh's Properties and Benefits

Myrrh possesses several properties that make it beneficial for oral health:

  1. Antimicrobial Properties: Myrrh is toxic to harmful organisms that cause bad breath, making it an effective natural disinfectant.
  2. Anti-inflammatory Effects: It reduces inflammation in the mouth, helping with conditions like gingivitis and swollen gums.
  3. Astringent Qualities: Myrrh's astringent properties help tighten the gums and reduce gum bleeding, contributing to overall oral hygiene.
  4. Healing and Soothing: It helps heal mouth sores and provides relief from oral discomfort.
  5. Deodorizing Effect: Myrrh neutralises odours, making it effective in freshening breath.

How Myrrh Combats Bad Breath

Bad breath is primarily caused by bacteria in the mouth that produce sulfur compounds.

These bacteria thrive in environments where there is food debris, plaque, and gum disease.

Myrrh combats bad breath by:

  1. Killing Bacteria: Its antimicrobial properties target and eliminate the bacteria responsible for bad breath.
  2. Reducing Inflammation: By soothing inflamed gums and other oral tissues, myrrh helps create an environment less conducive to bacterial growth.
  3. Neutralising Odors: Myrrh helps mask and neutralise the odors produced by bacteria, providing a fresh breath sensation.

Incorporating Myrrh into Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Myrrh Mouthwash

One of the simplest ways to use myrrh for bad breath is by preparing a myrrh mouthwash.

Here’s a basic recipe:

  1. Ingredients:

    • 1 cup of warm water
    • 5-10 drops of myrrh essential oil or a small amount of myrrh tincture
  2. Instructions:

    • Mix the myrrh essential oil or tincture with warm water.
    • Rinse your mouth with this solution for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, ensuring it reaches all areas of your mouth.
    • Spit out the mouthwash and avoid swallowing it.

Using this mouthwash daily can help reduce bad breath by killing bacteria and soothing oral tissues.

Myrrh Toothpaste

You can also incorporate myrrh into your toothpaste.

Here's how:

  1. Ingredients:

    • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
    • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
    • 5-10 drops of myrrh essential oil
  2. Instructions:

    • Mix the baking soda and coconut oil to form a paste.
    • Add the myrrh essential oil and mix well.
    • Use this paste to brush your teeth as you would with regular toothpaste.

This myrrh-infused toothpaste helps in reducing bacteria and providing a fresh breath.

Myrrh Oral Spray

For a convenient on-the-go solution, you can make a myrrh oral spray:

  1. Ingredients:

    • 1/2 cup of distilled water
    • 10-15 drops of myrrh essential oil
    • A small spray bottle
  2. Instructions:

    • Mix the distilled water and myrrh essential oil.
    • Pour the mixture into the spray bottle.
    • Use the spray whenever needed to freshen your breath.

Additional Tips for Using Myrrh

  1. Consistency: For best results, use myrrh products consistently as part of your daily oral hygiene routine.
  2. Combination with Other Essential Oils: Myrrh can be combined with other essential oils like peppermint or tea tree oil for enhanced antimicrobial effects and a more pleasant taste.
  3. Consultation with Healthcare Providers: Before starting any new oral health regimen, especially if you have existing dental conditions, consult with your dentist or healthcare provider.

Precautions and Side Effects

While myrrh is generally safe, it is essential to use it correctly to avoid potential side effects:

  1. Allergic Reactions: Some people may be allergic to myrrh. If you experience any adverse reactions like itching, swelling, or rash, discontinue use immediately.
  2. Pregnancy and Nursing: Pregnant and nursing women should consult their healthcare provider before using myrrh.
  3. Internal Use: Myrrh should not be ingested in large amounts as it can be toxic. Always use myrrh products as directed for external use only.


Myrrh offers a natural and effective solution for combating bad breath and improving overall oral health. It's antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and deodorizing properties make it an excellent addition to any oral hygiene routine.

By incorporating myrrh through mouthwashes, toothpaste, and oral sprays, you can harness it's benefits and enjoy fresher breath and a healthier mouth.

Remember to use myrrh consistently and consult with a healthcare provider if you have any concerns or existing dental conditions.

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