Thursday 30 July 2009

No Need to Take Chances Regarding Bad Breath (Halitosis)

If you ever have talked to someone who has bad breath, you know it is a problem. And it may make you wonder: What if I have bad breath? How can I know?

There are three common reasons for Bad Breath (Halitosis):

1/ a person consumes smelly products
2/ a person has a large number of smelly bacteria in his or her mouth
3/ a person has dental or medical problems so severe it is causing a bad smell.

The first two reasons are the most common. The third requires professional attention.

Civilized people will accept two kinds of breath in people: neutral, smell-free breath, or minty breath. Anything else falls into the bad breath category.

Your first defense against this kind of bad breath is to avoid products that cause it. If you cannot avoid, then you need to eliminate or mask the smells. A breath mint or gum is the easiest way. Brushing your teeth and your tongue also can help.

The other cause of bad breath is bacteria that naturally live in your mouth.

Your mouth is a warm, wet environment suited for bacteria. These bacteria eat, drink and excrete. Much of what they excrete smells bad because it contains sulfur compounds. These bacteria are the cause of "morning breath.”

The best way to fight this form of bacterial halitosis is to eliminate the bacteria, a never-ending job because the bacteria are always coming back. Your first defense is brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day. You also need to brush your tongue, since its bumpy surface can harbor bacteria. Antibacterial mouthwash may be helpful. If you need to do more to mask the smells, sugar-free breath mints or sugar-free gum can help; avoid sugar because sugar is food for the bacteria.

Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.

Source - - Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Copyright 2009

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