Tuesday 15 September 2009

Chinese Astronauts Must Not Have Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Chinese officials have produced a list of 100 health requirements for would-be astronauts (taikonauts), including not having bad breath.

The list of requirements states that those wanting to be part of China's next space programme must not have runny noses, drug allergies or ringworm.

Doctors from the 454th Air Force Hospital in Nanjing, eastern China say scars and tooth cavities - which could explode in space - could also rule people out on grounds of safety.

In a moment of consideration for the taikonauts, who could spend months in confined space with each other, they say bad body odour and bad breath are also no-no's.

Oddly, under new rules married astronauts will only get to go into space if their wife says they can ... which probably means they will have to bring back a bottle of milk on their return.

China will launch a space module next year with plans for a docking by 2011.

Given that most other space-faring nations now seem to require little more of astronauts than a good level of general physical fitness and for space tourists, the only requirements seem to be enough cash to pay their way, I think the Chinese are being overly-cautious in their requirements.

The Russians, Americans and Europeans all had similar restrictions back when space travel was entirely new and unknown but, since they now know what's required of space travellers, such rigorous 'specifications' for a prospective astronaut seem pretty redundant.

Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.

Source NewsLite

Copyright 2009

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