Wednesday 9 September 2009

Tea Health and Beauty Tips to Give Your Body a Boost

Here are 15 little known health and beauty tips to give your body a tea boost. It’s good to know you can get double the pleasure when you drink tea--delicious liquid refreshment, and the satisfaction of knowing you’re giving your body a healthy boost.

1. Gargle with black tea instead of mouthwash to eliminate bad breath and prevent cavities. Certain natural agents in black tea can stop bacteria growth that causes bad breath and other dental problems.

2. Drink black tea to lower bad cholesterol levels. It may also help to reduce heart disease for those at risk.

3. Place cold used Chamomile tea bags on the eyes to reduce puffiness and diminish dark circles.
4. Control pimple outbreaks naturally with a moist tea bag. Lightly pat the pimple to help it dry out.

5. Save money on lip toner—use tea instead. Apply a warm moist used tea bag to your lips for about five minutes.

6. Add mint tea to your foot bath for a fragrant and relaxing soak when giving yourself a pedicure.

7. Stuff sneakers and dress shoes with dried green tea leaves to eliminate odor and freshen shoes.

8. Condition your hair with green tea and lemon juice. After each shampoo, use this tea conditioner as a leave-in rinse for soft and silky hair.

9. Treat shaving nicks with a wet teabag. The tannic acid in the tea reduces redness and stops the bleeding.

10. Soothe fever blisters and canker sores with cool wet teabags. Place them on the sore and hold for several minutes. Use as often as needed.

11. Drink green tea to reduce the risk of cancer. Research has found that green tea contains anti-cancer agents that naturally reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

12. Substitute green tea for diet beverages. Green tea burns fat, increases the metabolism, reduces cravings and has no calories.

13. Chamomile tea has been found to reduce complications from Type 2 Diabetes. Studies show that drinking chamomile tea may help to prevent blindness, and nerve and kidney damage from Diabetes.

14. Drink green tea with lemon juice to prevent flu, viruses and colds. Research has shown that drinking hot lemon tea may help you stay healthy during the cold and flu season.

15. Sipping four cups of black tea a day can help you manage stress levels. Ingredients in black tea have been found to have a positive effect on the brain.

Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.

Source Examiner

Copyright 2009

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