Friday, 26 November 2010

Pop culture reveals the problem of bosses with Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Recently a young women claiming to be the employee of the world's worst boss quit her terrible job by posting a series of photos to the online humor site, In the photos she accused her boss of, among other things, having some of the worst halitosis she had ever smelled.

Her creative method for telling her boss off and quitting her job quickly became an internet sensation, being reported by countless websites and reposted to social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. Unfortunately, it was revealed a couple days later that the whole thing was a hoax, and that the girl in the photos was a model hired to play the part.

While the specifics of the case may have been fictional, it seemed to have touched a nerve with the public. The way in which the woman brazenly quit her much-hated job while revealing some of her boss's more embarrassing secrets, like his bad breath, tapped into the desires of nation of workers who, for the most part, don't like their job or their boss.

The experience is apparently shared by many people, as it is often reflected in popular culture. On the second season of the television comedy series, The Office, the manager of the company is criticized for his halitosis. His workers say that he has coffee breath, and suggest that he needs to do something about it.

While many of us would love to get the opportunity to throw these issues in the face of our bosses, sadly, few of us will ever have the chance to do so. All those times when the manager is hovering over our shoulder, his halitosis filling the air with every word he speaks, we are powerless to speak up or call him out on the condition.

This is why these humorous examples of bad breath in the workplace have become so popular. Their characters speak for us when we are unable to do so. They alert the world to the plight of working under someone with bad breath while we remain silent. And most of all, they give us an opportunity to laugh at a situation that drives many people crazy.

If you are a boss reading this, you may want to pay more attention to your breath to prevent the silent wrath of your employees. TheraBreath's line of specialty breath freshening products that may help you avoid bad breath.

Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.

Source TheraBreath Blog

Copyright 2010

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