Friday, 26 November 2010

Denture Wearers Risk Oral Infections

Denture wearers may find it a daunting task to clean their dental appliances every single day. However, failure to do so could result in an oral environment that is a perfect breeding ground for many microbes, including some that cause bad breath.

In fact, studies have shown that the oral fungus Candida albicans - a type of yeast - grows particularly well on acrylic surfaces, such as those found in many dentures. When these appliances are poorly maintained, the fungus thrives.

"Very rarely, however, do people suspect that the bad condition of removable dentures and other dental appliances such as retainers and mouth guards may, besides bad breath, also cause serious mouth-related and general health problems," wrote Margaret Slubowski in Coquitlam Now.

She added that it can be difficult to properly clean dental appliances with traditional, commercially available oral care products, and that microbes that are left behind may transfer to the person's mouth.

Denture wearers may benefit from specialty breath freshening products, which are often able to kill a greater number of harmful dental microbes than traditional toothpastes and mouthwashes.

Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.

Source TheraBreath

Copyright 2010

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