Tuesday 11 August 2009

Five Foods That Can Fix Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Hot weather doesn't just mean your body suffers, it also means your mouth is in trouble. These sweltering afternoons that leave your lips sticky and your tongue dry can lead to lethal breath.

Turns out, there are three main causes of Dumpster mouth, said Dr. Philip Tierno, author of the book "The Secret Life of Germs."

There are the bits that gets stuck in your teeth after a meal, the bacteria living on the back of your tongue and digestive odors that can actually come up from your stomach.

Instead of fixing the problem once it starts, Tierno offers a way to preempt. "Take one part hydrogen peroxide and one part water, and gargle it over your tongue," he said. "Do that once in the morning and once in the evening, and you're all set."

While that may not sound as appetizing as minty-fresh gum, Tierno said it really works. Combine that with flossing after each meal and rinsing with a nonalcoholic mouthwash.

But if you're looking for a quick fix after a grande taco dinner, here are a few foods that will mask bad breath while you make a fast getaway.


The leafy garnish has long been a favorite breath freshener, but Tierno says the secret is in the seeds. "The seeds and stems have more of the active ingredient," he said.


Can you steal a sprinkle of salt from the table? Mix up a warm saltwater solution and swish in your mouth for about 30 seconds. Even better, gargle the water at the back of your throat and kill the stink longer.


If you don't have some gum handy to loosen any protein stuck between your teeth, try chewing on any high-fiber fruit or vegetable, like pears, carrots or celery. The rough texture of the food can help loosen food, while your saliva will help wash it away.


The sulphurous scents of onions are squashed, thanks to the essential oils found in these flavors. Can't find the real thing? Gum in those flavors sweetened with xylitol should do the trick.


Eating plain yogurt twice a day can actually help permanently lower the amount of hydrogen sulfide in your mouth, studies have shown. Fruits like berries and melons are also great. Just stay away from lemons and others high in acid.


Fruits like strawberries are also good to prevent bad breath.

Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.

Source - New York Daily News

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