Tuesday 4 August 2009

Put a (Healthy) Smile on Your Face

When it comes to beauty, women will spend thousands and deal with all sorts of pain. However we tend to be incredibly neglectful with our dental health. Many women won’t miss a hair appointment come hell or high water, but haven’t gotten their teeth checked in years. The only tooth-related matter that seems to be popular is whitening. Unfortunately, there are way more serious problems that can happen with your teeth if you don’t get that yearly check up.

Plaque Build Up

Brushing your teeth gets rid of plaque on the front back and top of your teeth. However the spaces in between will accumulate plaque if you don’t properly floss twice a day. Be careful when you floss not to cut your gums. The bacteria in your mouth could infect the open wound.

Bad Breath(Halitosis)

Chronic bad breath often goes undiagnosed due to the popularity of breath mints and chewing gum. However, halitosis could be the result of a more serious condition. Don’t just cover up that bad breath. If it seems to be habitual see your dentist about it.

Bleeding Gums

Many people notice a little blood after brushing. While this could be attributed to vigorous brushing, it usually indicates a gum disease like Gingivitis. Bring it up to your dentist during your twice yearly visit. You may prevent serious teeth problems that could be costly and painful to fix.

Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.

Source - GlamScene

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