Saturday, 22 November 2008

Back of the Throat and Bad Breath

Stop Bad Breath Associated with Post-Nasal Drip, Excess Mucus, and Sinus Problems

For people who don't really have sinus problems, just "off and on" or seasonal post-nasal drip, then an alternative (and better) solution might be to minimize the amount of excess mucus in the back of the throat and more importantly to make sure you neutralize the odour caused by this excess mucus.

Bad Breath is very closely related to post nasal drip, excess mucus, sinus problems, your tonsils, and tonsiloliths.

Scientifically, the anaerobic bacteria that cause bad breath "love" the amino acids Cysteine and Methionine, which are the building blocks of the proteins that are found in mucus (and phlegm) and in dairy foods, too. In fact, many people notice that when they drink too much milk or eat too much cheese they end up with more mucous or phlegm in their throat (see my article on Foods that may cause bad breath). This is a natural reaction for many people and unfortunately, ends up causing more bad breath and lousy taste.

Therefore, those people who suffer from post nasal drip, sinus problems, and other such ailments are more prone to bad breath and lousy tastes because the bacteria use the mucus as a food source and start to extract sulfur compounds from the amino acids that make up the proteins found in all this excess mucus

You see, the proteins in mucus make an excellent food source for the anaerobic bacteria that cause bad breath. The bacteria feed off the amino acids, Methionine and Cysteine, and create extremely odorous and lousy-tasting Volatile Sulfur Compounds as by-products, which are the odours and lousy tastes found in the medical condition halitosis, which YOU (or maybe everyone around you) more commonly know as Bad Breath.

There are three key formulas that most of Dr Katz’s patients find extremely effective at neutralizing the odour caused by post-nasal drip:

1/ Nasal Sinus Drops
2/ AktivOxigen Tablets
3/ Extinguisher Spray

To find out more on how to neutralizing the odour caused by post-nasal drip, please finish reading this article online.

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