Saturday, 29 November 2008

Why Celebrities Have Bad Breath(Halitosis)

It seems everyone is envious of those so-called celebrities. Almost every woman I know thinks that celebrities have it all. Well, that “all” may include BAD BREATH. Yes, Halitosis!

Over the past 13 years, many celebrities have visited Dr Katz's California Breath Clinics. What he learned is that when it comes to oral health they (as a group) are doing 4 things wrong:

1. They Smoke
In order to keep their weight down, they have taken up smoking. Smoking kills the taste buds, and indirectly kills appetite. It also makes the mouth very dry which quickly leads to bad breath.

2. They Drink Alcohol
A celebrity's life is hard work - and then party, party, party (Well that’s what they told him). Alcohol makes your mouth dry instantly and (again) dry mouth leads to bad breath because a dry mouth creates an “anaerobic” friendly enviroment perfect for the bugs that creat bad breath (and gum disease too).
Note: There is more alcohol in commercial mouthwash formulas than an entire 6 pack of beer, so be careful when you choose your source of alcohol.

3. Lots of Stress and Little Sleep
Studies show that Stress leads to bad breath. Stress leads to a dry mouth because that’s how our sympathetic nervous system
works (The fight or flight phenomenon).

4. One common “bad habit” of models (and probably the easiest to overcome) is Skipping Breakfast.

By skipping breakfast, you can extend your morning breath until you finally eat something.

Here’s why: When you sleep your brain knows that you will not be eating. Consequently, your brain turns down saliva production. Since saliva contains a high concentration of oxygen (acting as a natural enemy of anaerobic bacteria), a lack of saliva will create an environment beneficial to the anaerobic sulfur producing bacteria at the core of bad breath (and gum disease too). But, as soon as you put something in your mouth in the morning, your salivary glands kick in and
provide oxygen-rich saliva to eliminate morning breath.

Celebrities have always work with the best physical trainers and dieticians who guide them to lose weight extremely fast through fat loss diet and exercises.

Some of these celebrities like Madonna and Haley Berry look extremely fabulous for their age. This has lead to increasing rumour about stars like Haley Berry having Bad Breath (Halitosis) because of the extreme dieting they undergo to lose weight.

Also check out how you can cure your Bad Breath naturally, by reading this detailed review carried out on the Bad Breath Forever Report.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

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