Monday, 17 August 2009
Tobacco - Causes Majority of Health Problems
Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the United States.
Each year, cigarette smoking results in an estimated 443,000 premature deaths, of which about 49,400 are in non-smokers, as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke.
Cigarette smoke is a complex mixture of chemicals produced by the burning of tobacco and the additives.
The smoke contains tar, which is made up of more than 4,000 chemicals, including more than 60 known to cause cancer. Some of these substances cause heart and lung diseases, and all of them can be deadly.
In large doses, nicotine is a poison and can kill by stopping a person's breathing muscles. Nicotine can make new smokers, and regular smokers who get too much of it, feel dizzy or sick to their stomachs.
The resting heart rate for young smokers increases 2 to 3 beats per minute.
Nicotine also lowers skin temperature and reduces blood flow to the legs and feet.
Tobacco use accounts for at least 30 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States. Smoking is attributed to about 87 percent of lung cancer deaths.
Smoking also causes cancer of larynx (voice box), mouth, pharynx (throat), esophagus (swallowing tube), and bladder, and contributes to the development of cancer of the pancreas, cervix, kidney and stomach.
Smoking is also linked to the development of some types of leukemia. Cigars, pipes, spit, and other types of smokeless tobacco all cause cancers, too. Despite many myths, there is no safe way to use tobacco.
Smoking also causes many short-term effects, such as poor lung function. Because of this, smokers often suffer shortness of breath and nagging coughs. They often will tire easily during physical activity.
Some other common short-term effects include less ability to smell and taste, premature aging of the skin, bad breath and stained teeth and fingers.
Long term, smoking is a major cause of heart disease, aneurysms, bronchitis, emphysema and stroke, and it makes pneumonia and asthma worse.
Wounds take longer to heal and the immune system may be less effective in smokers than in nonsmokers.
Smoking also damages the arteries. Vascular surgeons may refuse to operate on patients with peripheral artery disease (poor blood circulation in arms and legs) unless they stop smoking.
Chronic bronchitis is a disease in which the airways produce too much mucus, forcing the smoker to cough it out. It is a common problem for smokers. The lungs start to produce large amount of mucus due to lung irritation.
The airways become inflamed and the cough becomes chronic. With chronic bronchitis, airways get blocked by scars and mucus, therefore serious infections can result.
Emphysema is a disease that slowly destroys a person's ability to breathe.
Oxygen reaches the blood by moving across a large surface area in the lungs. Normally, thousands of tiny sacs make up this surface area.
With emphysema, the walls between the sac break down and create larger but fewer sacs. This decreases the lung surface area, which lowers the amount of oxygen reaching the blood.
Over time, the lung surface area can become so small that a person with emphysema often must gasp for breath.
More than 7 million current and former smokers suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the name used to describe both chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It is the fourth leading cause of death in Americans.
The late stage of chronic lung disease is one of the most severe of all medical conditions. It creates a feeling of gasping for breath all the time - much like the feeling of drowning.
Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of heart disease, which is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States.
Cigarette smoking is the biggest risk factor for sudden death from a heart attack.
Cigarette smoke can harm the heart at very low levels, even when the amount is too low to cause lung damage.
The truth is that cigarette smokers die younger than non-smokers.
About half of all the people who continue to smoke will die because of the habit.
In the United States, tobacco causes nearly one in five deaths, killing 443,000 Americans each year. Smoking is the single more preventable cause of death in our society.
Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.
Source Southtown Star
Copyright 2009
Perry - I Hate Men With Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Katy Perry has said that she gets turned off by men who have poor oral hygiene.
The 'Hot N Cold' singer, who is in a relationship with Gym Class Heroes rapper Travis McCoy, said that she would never date a man with bad breath, even if he was good-looking.
She wrote on her Twitter page: "I mean, ladies, how many times did u think that guy was hot but just couldn't deal w/ his breath? Sense of smell is most important! Agree?"
Perry continued: "Some1 next to me has a bad case of halitosis and won't stop talking. I can't breathe. R u the type of friend that wouldn't tell ur friend if they had something stuck in their teeth? What bout bad breath? Wouldn't u wanna know?"
The 24-year-old recently revealed that her music idol is No Doubt singer Gwen Stefani.
Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.
Source Digital Spy
Copyright 2009
That Romantic Dinner's Not Necessarily Good For You
Do dating and good nutrition go together? Perhaps not, according to a recent study by Cornell University's psychology department.
The study, ``Dating and Eating: Beliefs and Dating Foods Among University Students,'' was not intended to measure health or nutrition factors, but to clarify date food etiquette. But we may glean some insight from it as we weigh menu choices.
The study, published in the journal Appetite, surveyed 301 Cornell undergraduate students who were asked which type of foods or meals they considered most and least desirable in dating situations.
Confirming the researchers' hypothesis, salad and vegetables rated highest among women as dating foods. Surprising was that a greater percentage of men chose pasta over meat as a dating food. The most frequently consumed beverage was alcohol, and sushi was the most commonly eaten ethnic food.
Knowing the characteristics of desirable dating foods can help a budding relationship -- and here again was a gender difference. The most important factor for women is that a food not be messy (so, no pasta for them), while for men it was that a food be romantic/aphrodisiac. Other top reasons to avoid certain entrees, cited by the students: if they are cheap, cause bad breath, are unattractive to eat (think corn on the cob) or uncomfortable. I think this last one means they cause gas.
Unfortunately, many foods that contribute to good health and vitality might be lumped under ``non-dating'' foods. Garlic and onions, for example, are both members of the allium family, and have antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits. If worried about your breath, eat the parsley garnish on your plate. Besides being loaded with antioxidants, the chlorophyll in the leaves neutralizes bad breath.
Cooked spinach is loaded with vitamins A, K, iron and potassium, but might be skipped in a first date because researchers noted an aversion to ``foods that drip, drop, stick or leave residues that repulse partners.'' My suggestion here is, spinach salad has the same nutrition without the tooth-hugging component.
And foods that may be thought of as gassy such as cabbage, broccoli and beans, are also among the healthiest. You can build up a tolerance by eating them at least a few times a week, or try some Beano.
There are healthy alternatives for many ``nondate'' foods. Send me your food questions and I'll answer in a future column.
Sheah Rarback is a registered dietitian and on the faculty of the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. Her column runs every other week.
Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.
Copyright 2009
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Finally, A Breath Mint That Does What It Should
By Dr. Harold Katz
SUMMARY: Wow, a breath mint that...
+ Actually Removes Bad Breath and Taste
+ Stops Production of Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC's)
+ Stimulates Oxygen-Rich Saliva Flow
All the supposed breath candies that you're used to seeing in the stores (Altoids, Tic-Tacs, Certs, Ice Breakers, etc...) all commit some kind of fatal mistake in the documented science of creating fresh breath. You see, by now the academic Bad Breath and Halitosis community knows the causes of bad breath.... and we also know the exact conditions that create an oral environment in your mouth that is more likely to produce bad breath.
So wouldn't you think that a breath mint should contain ingredients that make this oral environment less likely to happen? At the very least, there shouldn't be anything in there would make that oral environment WORSE, right?
You can probably see what I'm getting at.... the top breath fresheners on the market ALL contain either sugar (which the bad breath bacteria absolutely feast on), or they contain an artificial flavor designed to cover-up rather than prevent bad breath and taste.
And NONE OF THEM Contain Any Clinically Proven, Breath-Refreshing Ingredients!
My New ZOX Breath Fresheners are the first breath mint designed to remove bad breath instead of mask it!
Now first let me get one thing straight .... if you have chronic halitosis, DON'T expect a breath mint to make the problem go away (although they are an excellent maintenance device if you are already using the TheraBreath system in the morning and night). My last 10 years have been spent helping people who mostly have had chronic halitosis problems - the type of condition that every time you talk with a person you detect an odor from their breath.
But there is a type of bad breath out there that is common to everyone that I've been largely ignoring for the last 10 years! I refer to this type as situational bad breath. Situational Bad Breath occurs in 99.9% of the world population at one time or another (statistically just about everybody, but my lawyers make me say it like that!). It happens when someone activates a trigger that causes the oral environment in their mouth to become more likely for the anaerobic bacteria to begin creating the volatile sulfur compounds (VSC's) that cause Bad Breath and Halitosis.
In scientific terms, when your mouth encounters one of these triggers, it creates an oral environment that encourages the anaerobic bacteria to begin extracting sulfur compounds from specific amino acids. One amino acid (cysteine) turns into hydrogen sulfide (the rotten-egg smell), and another amino acid (methionine) becomes methyl mercaptan which smells sort of like dirty socks!
So Let's Take A Real-World Example For A Minute...
You get together with some friends one weekend for bite to eat at a delectable restaurant that serves cheese fondue, with a strawberry daiquiri to cap it off.
You want to make sure you have fresh breath, so after dinner you pop in an Altoid or other such breath candy . . . . STOP!
Although you may have a cinnamon-like taste in your mouth, what you've really just done is made your bad breath problem MUCH worse. Let me explain:
During dinner, you introduced two triggers to your mouth (protein and alcohol) that weren't previously there and made your particular oral environment very eager to begin creating those foul-smelling VSCs.
Then after dinner, by sucking on that mint, you actually gave those bacteria a food source they LOVE (sugar) to help along the VSC production. True, you TASTE cinnamon or mint, but that's only a temporary cover up and what other people actually SMELL is usually a lot worse!
And Now I've Introduced ZOX - The First Breath Mint To Actually NEUTRALIZE Bad Breath Production!
I created ZOX Breath Fresheners because I wanted to address the fact that almost all the other "breath mints" on the market DO NOT take into account the principles of halitosis prevention that I've been studying for the last 10 years! Most of them are created to TASTE GOOD and that's about it. ZOX Breath Fresheners were created based on the same clinically proven Zinc/Oxygen/Xylitol principles used by the rest of the TheraBreath product line. It is literally bad breath prevention science packed into a roll of breath mints!
First, ZOX Breath Fresheners have no sugar - your breath mint should NEVER have sugar in it. ZOX Breath Fresheners use xylitol which is a natural sweetener and has also been proven to have tremendous anti-decay properties.
Next, we added zinc gluconate for its ability to literally put a straight-jacket around those bad-breath producing anaerobic bacteria. Zinc gluconate blocks the receptors on the anaerobic bacteria so that they don't bind with the amino acids. If they don't bind with the amino acids, then they don't produce VSCs!
ZOX Breath Fresheners contain no aspartame, no saccharin, and no artificial colors or flavors.
ZOX Breath Fresheners have been specifically created for the sole purpose of preventing bad breath, and removing metallic tastes, NOT for just covering them up. The longer you keep a ZOX in your mouth, the more volatile sulfur compounds it will neutralize.
Plus, each mint is only 5 calories, so you can have as many as you want.
The bottom line is that all-natural ZOX Breath Fresheners are the first and only breath mint to neutralize bad breath based on the clinically proven methods practiced by the California Breath Clinics over the past 10 years.
For control of occasional or situational Bad Breath there is nothing better than ZOX!
ZOX is part of the Dr Katz's TheraBreath family of products. TheraBreath Gum, mints and Strips are designed to be used anywhere and anytime for immediate relief.
TheraBreath - On Sale Special
Offered products can be found here
TheraBreath 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
All TheraBreath Formulas are backed by a 100% 30–Day Money-Back Guarantee. If for any reason you're not satisified, let them know and they will promptly refund your product cost.
TheraBreath products can be found at
Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Can Sinus Also Be A Root Cause Of Bad Breath (Halitosis)?
After individually taking care of more than 25,000 people in his clinics, Dr Katz has yet to witness a patient chuck out his Bad Breath (Halitosis) only by having sinus operation.
At the outset, these anaerobic bacteria cannot survive in the sinuses, even though the Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSCs) they generate may run into the sinus passages. When somebody has a sinus infectivity, one of the familiar indication is strong sinus headaches, attributable to the strain from the infection in the sinuses. If you don’t have these strong headaches, you almost certainly don’t have a sinus disease. The truth is that once somebody has a prominent amount of these anaerobic bacteria, they will generate the trouble from any protein resource, together with mucus, phlegm, etc., which depletes down the back of your esophagus into the area where these bacteria exists.
On the other hand, if you do have sinus troubles i.e. additional mucus, post-nasal drip, etc. then this may perhaps be making your Bad Breath (Halitosis) worse. This is for the reason that the proteins in mucus operate as a food supply for the bacteria. A lot of Dr Katz’s patient have got immense help from his Nasal Sinus Drops or Nasal Sinus Spray.
Just 1-2 drops or 1-2 squirts into both nostrils successfully counter balances any existing VSC’s found in the nose, sinus, and following sinus area. Though it’s vital to understand that unless you discontinue the making of VSC’s at the starting place i.e. the back of the tongue and esophagus, fresh VSC’s will carry on to travel into the sinus area.
TheraBreath products can be found at
Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved
Bad Breath - Extra Mucus or Post-Nasal Drip
The Anaerobic Bacteria’s Feed on Extra Mucus or Post-Nasal Drip
As many of us know, proteins are build up of chains of amino acids, which sequentially consist of sulfur compounds. When a person has post-nasal drip, mucus depletes and covers the reverse side of the tongue and esophagus, just the place where bacteria exists.
In view of the fact that mucus is formed of interlinked filaments of protein, the bacteria have a supportive space, breaking down these proteins into bad smelling and sour tasting sulfur sort of compounds.
Strong antihistamines don’t lend a hand, for the reason that the drying effect of the antihistamines also makes a dilemma by dropping the quantity of germ-controlling saliva.
The only procedure of getting rid of the bad smell and sour taste are to make use of Oxyd-8 based oral products.
A lot of Dr Katz patients with postnasal drip have stated huge sensation with application of the Nasal Sinus Drops or Nasal Sinus Spray.
TheraBreath products can be found at
Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Why Therabreath Is Better Than Any Other Oral Care Product
1/ TheraBreath active component are soothing and produces Oxidizing Power once it enters the mouth. This stabilization procedure permits TheraBreath to have maximum 3 year shelf life. When any of the TheraBreath products enter your mouth, a chemical reaction occurs, which permits bounty of Active Oxygenation to happen each and every time you make use of it. That’s why millions and millions of bottles and tubes of TheraBreath products are sold every week in just the U.S. single-handedly!
2/ TheraBreath has turn out to be the most “comprehensible” unsullied breath system, comprising of Oral Rinse, Toothpaste, Breath Spray, intense PowerDrops, Oxygenating Chewing Gum, (all in both normal and Extra Strength editions), together with Nasal Sinus Drops and ZOX Breath Lozenges, and Fresh Breath Strips, all intended to hit the origin of the trouble all through the day with the maximum of expediency. A few Breath-refreshing systems depend exclusively on mouthwash to get rid of Bad Breath(Halitosis).
3/ TheraBreath Toothpaste is also found in a Fluoride edition which protects against decay and tooth sensitivity, in addition to a non-fluoride edition which takes in Xylitol to protect against decay. Fluoride has also been revealed to be a successful de-sensitizing mediator. A few of the other “Anti-Halitosis” systems do not take in any Fluoride at all. In both the ways, TheraBreath Toothpaste helps to protect against decay, on top of Bad Breath (Halitosis), dreadful tastes, and dry mouth.
4/ We have added extremely strong Whole Leaf Aloe Vera to our toothpaste. Current research in Asia has revealed that Aloe Vera improves the body’s capability to form collagen, which also reinforces feeble and inflamed gums to restore to health more rapidly. Bleeding gums make available a protein source to the bacteria that produce Bad Breath (Halitosis). No other “anti- Halitosis” process takes in this type of Aloe Vera to fight this supplementary trouble.
5/ Therabreath toothpaste does not have Saccharin. A lot of other breath-refreshing products like Oxyfresh, TriOral, and Closys II have saccharin. Saccharin has been known to be carcinogenic in lab animals and the state of California has lately made available a long term research on its pessimistic consequences. In addition to this, for a few people, Saccharin produces a bitter savor, as a result of one of the chemical compounds formed during Saccharin’s chemical breakdown.
6/ TheraBreath toothpaste does not have Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (a strong detergent), which along with other things has been known to be linked to an augmented occurrence of canker sores. Nearly all toothpastes like TriOral and Oxyfresh have this chemical. Research has revealed that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate should not be applied by those who experience canker sores, those who are diabetic or those who experience dry mouth.
Toothpaste that contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate will cause high levels of bubbles in the mouth. You will be better off rinsing out these odour-causing bacteria from your mouth by brushing more often.
7/ TheraBreath toothpaste is in reality a gel. Chemically speaking, gels are to great extent smaller molecules than pastes, permitting deeper infiltration under the surface of the tongue. TheraBreath toothpaste also have first showing tooth polishing and whitening agents, so as to maintain your smile white and dazzling, however without the harmful abrasives. They are animal cruelty-free and are not damaging to the atmosphere. And, we’ve lately got Kosher guarantee on all of our rinses, toothpastes, sprays, drops, and mints. This implies that we make use of simply pure vegetable or mineral based components – no animal or animal-based components.
8/ All of our toothpastes now have a new variety of mineral protectant known as Polypyrophosphate machinery. On the whole, these natural minerals stop calculus, tartar and plaque from attaching to tooth enamel, resulting in cleaner teeth and improved gums.
No other “breath” toothpaste has these valuable minerals. Actually, only a few manufacturers have worried to spend the funds to put in this to their formulas.
Well, I guess their bottom line comes prior to our gum line!
TheraBreath products for Dry Mouth -
Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved
Five Foods That Can Fix Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Hot weather doesn't just mean your body suffers, it also means your mouth is in trouble. These sweltering afternoons that leave your lips sticky and your tongue dry can lead to lethal breath.
Turns out, there are three main causes of Dumpster mouth, said Dr. Philip Tierno, author of the book "The Secret Life of Germs."
There are the bits that gets stuck in your teeth after a meal, the bacteria living on the back of your tongue and digestive odors that can actually come up from your stomach.
Instead of fixing the problem once it starts, Tierno offers a way to preempt. "Take one part hydrogen peroxide and one part water, and gargle it over your tongue," he said. "Do that once in the morning and once in the evening, and you're all set."
While that may not sound as appetizing as minty-fresh gum, Tierno said it really works. Combine that with flossing after each meal and rinsing with a nonalcoholic mouthwash.
But if you're looking for a quick fix after a grande taco dinner, here are a few foods that will mask bad breath while you make a fast getaway.
The leafy garnish has long been a favorite breath freshener, but Tierno says the secret is in the seeds. "The seeds and stems have more of the active ingredient," he said.
Can you steal a sprinkle of salt from the table? Mix up a warm saltwater solution and swish in your mouth for about 30 seconds. Even better, gargle the water at the back of your throat and kill the stink longer.
If you don't have some gum handy to loosen any protein stuck between your teeth, try chewing on any high-fiber fruit or vegetable, like pears, carrots or celery. The rough texture of the food can help loosen food, while your saliva will help wash it away.
The sulphurous scents of onions are squashed, thanks to the essential oils found in these flavors. Can't find the real thing? Gum in those flavors sweetened with xylitol should do the trick.
Eating plain yogurt twice a day can actually help permanently lower the amount of hydrogen sulfide in your mouth, studies have shown. Fruits like berries and melons are also great. Just stay away from lemons and others high in acid.
Fruits like strawberries are also good to prevent bad breath.
Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.
Source - New York Daily News
Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease
Listing Periodontal Disease as a “reason” of Bad Breath and Halitosis is not completely right. Current research have revealed that it is very apt that it’s the other way around! High levels of Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSCs) in fact permit other contaminants to enter the zone between the teeth and the gum line, forming the initial stages of gum disease.
Several studies now reveal that bleeding gums can direct the way to heart attacks and strokes! Consider this for a second: You get up in the morning, moved to your bathroom and brush your teeth. After some strokes, you observe in the mirror or sink, that your gums are bleeding. However you just overlooked it and continued brushing. Would you ever overlook bleeding if it arrived from your eye, ear, or hand? Actually not! Once bleeding begins, it’s a symptom that something is dreadfully incorrect! It also reveals that your body protective covering is open and susceptible to attack by undesired bacteria and viruses.
The skin of the oral cavity is called Oral Mucosa. It is filled with blood vessels and if outer bacteria and the toxins they generate reach the blood stream, they are off and moving all over your body. What the most current International research reveals and what American Dentistry has failed to understand is that Sulfur Compounds generated by anaerobic bacteria are the actual desperados in a lot of oral disorders, from swollen and bleeding gums to Bad Breath (Halitosis), and now as groundbreaking research displays, ultimately lead to complete troubles like heart disease, strokes, and pneumonia.
Anaerobic Bacteria Make Sulfur Compounds Which Permit Toxins To Go Into Your Blood Stream By Means Of Swollen Gums!
These anaerobic bacteria have the capability to take out sulfur compounds from proteins generated when your gums are inflamed and bleeding. A few of these sulfur compounds are known as Thiols. These hazardous sulfur compounds have lately been observed to let other bacteria and the toxins they make to penetrate under the gumline. If your gums are previously swollen and bleeding, these bacterial contaminants may get into your bloodstream and travel all through your body, most considerably to your brain leading to strokes, or to the heart leading to heart attacks.
Professors like Robin Seymour and James Steele of the University of Newcastle Dental School in England state that you are less prone to catch coronary heart ailment if you have a fit mouth. Actually, both of these experts have analyzed 10 studies since 1965. Two of the major researches, performed here in the U.S. had outstanding proof supporting this point. Their study was reported to the British Dental Journal. Their article confirmed that Periodontal disease may be as injurious as smoking and high cholesterol when it comes to Heart Disease.
As the doctors confirmed, “A communication between particular bacteria in dental plaque and platelets has also been recommended as causative of the relationship between gum disease and coronary heart disease.”
A fresh 1996 research involving more than 1,100 individuals observed the incidences of coronary heart disease, fatal coronary disease, and strokes were all notably associated to their baseline gum status. Certainly, smoking and diabetes have been caught up in both Heart Disease and Gum Disease. High sugar consumption and scarcity of fluoride are also associated to tooth decay and Gum Disease and could be extra causative aspects to Heart Attacks and Strokes.
They recommended that gum disease should be considered as a chronic infection. Dr. Seymour confirmed that there is a lot of data now saying that chronic infections may be a vital start for “atheroma” creation (degenerative changes in the arteries). The connection between bleeding gums and heart disease and strokes emerges most understandable in men aged 40-50 years old.
Dr. Geoff Craig of the British Dental Association greeted the report, affirming, “Dentists should keep on highlighting that improving dental health usually and gum health especially which helps to keep up natural teeth and may also help to decrease the danger of coronary heart disease.”
More Studies From US
As per a recent research at the University of Minnesota, two kinds of bacteria breeding in dental plaque in the region of swollen gums can cause “blood clumping.” This is theoretically the initial step towards creating a clot that can cause a heart attack.
At the university, experiments on rabbits discovered that these bacteria, which derive in the mouth, also created irregularities in the heart! Again, the normal risk factors such as high cholesterol, need of exercise, poor diet, and being overweight require to be adjusted by adding gum disease.
Gingivitis and Gum Disease can be very harmful not only for your breath but also for your health. You have to employ the finest oral care products like Periotherapy or TheraBreath if your have any worries regarding the health of your gums.
A few Parts of the above initially appeared at
Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.
Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Put a (Healthy) Smile on Your Face
When it comes to beauty, women will spend thousands and deal with all sorts of pain. However we tend to be incredibly neglectful with our dental health. Many women won’t miss a hair appointment come hell or high water, but haven’t gotten their teeth checked in years. The only tooth-related matter that seems to be popular is whitening. Unfortunately, there are way more serious problems that can happen with your teeth if you don’t get that yearly check up.
Plaque Build Up
Brushing your teeth gets rid of plaque on the front back and top of your teeth. However the spaces in between will accumulate plaque if you don’t properly floss twice a day. Be careful when you floss not to cut your gums. The bacteria in your mouth could infect the open wound.
Bad Breath(Halitosis)
Chronic bad breath often goes undiagnosed due to the popularity of breath mints and chewing gum. However, halitosis could be the result of a more serious condition. Don’t just cover up that bad breath. If it seems to be habitual see your dentist about it.
Bleeding Gums
Many people notice a little blood after brushing. While this could be attributed to vigorous brushing, it usually indicates a gum disease like Gingivitis. Bring it up to your dentist during your twice yearly visit. You may prevent serious teeth problems that could be costly and painful to fix.
Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.
Source - GlamScene
Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved
Monday, 3 August 2009
Gung Ho For Gilroy, California's Garlic Festival
For fans of bad breath and wacky food combinations, the Gilroy Garlic Festival is like a mecca. The event, which started 30 years ago, has now turned into one of the country’s largest food festivals. Last year over 100,000 fans headed to Christmas Hill Park in Gilroy, California to check out what’s new and unique in the world of garlic cooking and garlic products.
Make sure you skip breakfast, because you’ll need a lot of room to sample all the offerings in Gourmet Alley. Garlic bread, garlic fries, and stuffed mushrooms are just some of the halitosis-inducing foods awaiting you and your crew. If you like what you taste, plenty of cooking demonstrations will teach you how to make your favorites when you return home. Just leave a little bit of room for dessert, because of course there’s garlic ice cream too.
In terms of festival entertainment, Top Chef competitor Fabio Viviani will be on hand during the festival to host the Garlic Showdown competition. Four chefs from the Bay Area will do their best to create taste sensations in an Iron-Chef style cooking shootout. If cooking isn't your thing, there'll also be plenty of music to keep you going throughout the day, and the Miss Gilroy Garlic Queen will be around to say hello—she won't mind your bad breath.
Admission will set you back $12, which we feel is a little pricey. However, since you’ll likely be driving—Gilroy, California is about 30 minutes south of San Jose—parking is free. This year’s festival is July 24-26, but it’s always the last full weekend in July, just in case you want to start planning for the 2010 festival.
Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.
Source Jaunted - USA
Copyright 2009
Astronauts Wanted - No Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Those to follow Nie Haisheng into space must have impeccable dental hygiene
Would-be astronauts competing for China's next space programme must comply with 100 rules - excluding those with bad breath or a runny nose.
The list, intended to recruit "super human beings", also prohibits those with body odours, tooth cavities or scars which may "burst open" in space.
China will launch a space module next year and hopes for a docking by 2011.
But aspiring "taikonauts" will get nowhere without marital approval. Wives get the final say under the new rules.
"Bad body odour will affect fellow colleagues in the narrow confines of a space shuttle" - Shi Bing Bing, air force doctor
If a would-be astronaut's spouse does not like the idea of them going into space they must remain on earth.
Shi Bing Bing, a doctor at the 454th Air Force Hospital in Nanjing, eastern China, said the new rules will help China send the best of the best into space.
"Bad body odour will affect fellow colleagues in the narrow confines of a space shuttle," he said.
"These astronauts could be regarded as super human beings."
Mr Shi's hospital has now carried out a first screening of candidates to weed out those who fell foul of the 100 rules.
A further two screenings will whittle hopefuls down to the small band who will follow in the footsteps of China's space pioneers, chosen in 1997.
Any candidate with a history of serious illness in the last three generations of their family is barred.
Pleasant Disposition
Also prohibited are those with drug allergies or ringworm.
Successful candidates must possess a "pleasant and adaptable disposition", the guidelines make clear.
China put its first person into space in 2003, while Zhai Zhigang, the son of a snack seller, carried out the first Chinese spacewalk last year.
The country's long-term goal is to build its own space station orbiting earth.
Discover how I cured my nasty Bad Breath here.
Source BBC News
Copyright 2009
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